6 Signs that you Need to See a Doctor about Heartburn

6 Signs that you Need to See a Doctor about Heartburn

Posted on October 30th, 2023.

Are you experiencing a burning throat, chest and stomach pain, or an uncomfortable burning sensation in your stomach? If so, you might be dealing with heartburn. Heartburn can range from a mild annoyance to a debilitating condition, and understanding when it's time to seek medical attention is crucial for your health.

In this blog post, we'll explore 6 signs that indicate you should see a doctor about heartburn.

What are the 6 Signs that you need to visit a Doctor about Heartburn?

1. Persistent Burning Throat

Sign: Frequent and persistent discomfort or a burning sensation in your throat.

Explanation: Heartburn occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, leading to irritation. This irritation often results in a burning sensation, primarily felt in the lower part of the throat. If you find that this sensation doesn't go away or recurs regularly, it's a clear sign that you should consult a doctor. Ignoring persistent throat discomfort can lead to complications, such as esophagitis or Barrett's esophagus.

2. Unrelenting Stomach Burning Sensation

Sign: A continuous and uncomfortable burning sensation in your stomach area.

Explanation: While heartburn is commonly associated with discomfort in the chest and throat, some individuals may also experience a relentless burning sensation in the stomach region. This sensation can be quite painful and may be indicative of more severe acid reflux issues. Seeking medical advice is essential to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment for this persistent stomach discomfort.

3. Chest and Stomach Pain

Sign: Experiencing pain that feels like a burning or tight sensation in your chest and upper abdomen.

Explanation: Heartburn often presents as a burning or tightness in the chest and stomach area, which can be distressing and uncomfortable. While it's essential to recognize that heartburn is typically not related to cardiac problems, the symptoms can sometimes mimic cardiac issues, especially in older adults. Therefore, if you are unsure about the cause of your chest and stomach pain, it's crucial to consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and peace of mind.

4. Nighttime Discomfort

Sign: Worsening heartburn symptoms during the night, leading to sleep disturbances and discomfort.

Explanation: Heartburn symptoms often intensify when lying down, making nighttime a particularly uncomfortable time for many individuals with acid reflux. If you find that your heartburn symptoms are keeping you awake, causing discomfort, or leading to poor sleep quality, it's a clear indication that you should seek medical attention. Nighttime heartburn can be a sign of more severe acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which requires proper diagnosis and treatment.

5. Frequent or Chronic Heartburn

Sign: Experiencing heartburn symptoms multiple times a week on a consistent basis.

Explanation: One of the most significant red flags is the regular occurrence of heartburn. If you find yourself dealing with heartburn symptoms multiple times a week over an extended period, it's crucial to consult a doctor. Chronic heartburn can lead to long-term complications, including damage to the esophagus, and should not be ignored.

6. Symptoms Similar to Cardiac Issues

Sign: Heartburn symptoms that are similar to those of cardiac problems, causing uncertainty about the cause of discomfort.

Explanation: Heartburn symptoms can sometimes overlap with those of more serious cardiac issues, such as a heart attack. These symptoms may include chest pain, shortness of breath, and discomfort radiating into the arms. If you experience such symptoms, it's essential not to dismiss them as heartburn, as they could indicate a potentially life-threatening condition. Seeking immediate medical evaluation is crucial to rule out any cardiac issues and receive the appropriate care.

Now that you're aware of the signs that indicate you should see a doctor about heartburn, it's crucial to take action. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to more severe health issues down the road. At Virtual Access Care, we specialize in providing telehealth medical care services, including the diagnosis and treatment of heartburn.


If you're experiencing any of the above symptoms or have concerns about heartburn, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Virtual Access Care. Our team of experienced healthcare providers is ready to assist you in managing your heartburn and improving your overall digestive health. You can contact us at 240-473-3007 or email us at [email protected] for personalized care and advice.

Don't let heartburn disrupt your life any longer. Take the first step towards relief and better health by contacting us today!

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